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A party to inaugurate the winery

After two years of planning and building, the winery of Podernuovo a Palazzone was finished and inaugurated at the beginning of April. Giovanni Bulgari wanted the winery positioned into a hilltop in order to disappear into nature, exploit geothermal heat to keep any emissions as low as possible, and for everyone who is inside the winery to be able to admire stunning views from anywhere.

The architect Massimo Alvisi signed the project.

The over 200 guests, among them friends, clients, distributors, and everyone who had helped create and build the winery, participated on a quite chilly day at the inauguration.

An orchestra of mandolins from Siena, a band playing Italian jazz from the 1940’s, ballet dancers and a rock band where as much part of the entertainment as artists, poets, actors and gooses and goats grazing around the property and under the olive trees.

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